PhotomatixCL can be installed in one of two ways:
This is the usual way. You install PhotomatixCL on a single server, and then enter the license on that server.
License server:
This is when you have multiple servers and want them all to use the same license.
This is also useful if you are using a system such as AWS Lambda, which doesn't allow you to install the license on individual servers.
You will install the PhotomatixCL license server on one server where you want the license details to be stored. You will then do a normal installation on the other servers.
Download the PhotomatixCL installer from the download page.
Case 1: Installing PhotomatixCL standalone (i.e. on a single server):
Run the installer, and when you see the box named Install the PhotomatixCL license manager, make sure to leave that box unticked.
Then, proceed to Setting the license key.
Case 2: Installing PhotomatixCL license server (i.e. you have multiple servers and want to share the license between them):
On every server where you will be running PhotomatixCL, add an environment variable for the user who will be running PhotomatixCL.
The name of the variable should be PHOTOMATIXCL_LICSERVER, and its value should be the host name or IP address of your license server. (No port number or prefix such as http:// is required.)
If you have a subscription license, ensure your server has Internet access when you set the license key. It will also need Internet access when it checks the license the first time PhotomatixCL is run and then once a month. (Specifically, it will need to connect to on port 80.)
Open a command window, and type this command (including the quotes), replacing LicenseKey with the license key you were sent when you ordered PhotomatixCL:
"C:\Program Files\PhotomatixCL\PhotomatixCL" -ll LicenseKey
If you set up a license server, you can run this command on that server, or any other server, if the PHOTOMATIXCL_LICSERVER environment variable is set correctly.
If you chose to install PhotomatixCL in a non-standard location, replace the path above with where you installed it.
You are now ready to start using PhotomatixCL.
Different Linux distributions vary significantly in the libraries and packages they have available, so there are two builds of PhotomatixCL:
The statically linked build should work on a wide range of distributions, but doesn't include lens correction.
This is the preferred build to use if you are using JPEGs or if you are doing lens correction or some other part of your processing.
Download either the Ubuntu or statically linked PhotomatixCL builds from the download page.
Once you have downloaded a build, go to the directory where you want PhotomatixCL to be installed, and run this command:
tar xf FolderDownloadedFile/PhotomatixCL-8-U23.tar.gz
Where FolderDownloadedFile
is the path to the folder where you downloaded PhotomatixCL.
Case 1: Installing PhotomatixCL standalone (i.e. on a single server):
Proceed to Setting the license key.
Case 2: Installing PhotomatixCL license server (i.e. you have multiple servers and want to share the license between them):
On that server, run this command to start the license server:
PhotomatixCL -lm
You may wish to make a service to start this at boot time. See below for an example service file for distributions running systemd (most modern systems do).
On every server, except the license server, add an environment variable for the user who will be running PhotomatixCL.
The name of the variable should be PHOTOMATIXCL_LICSERVER, and its value should be the host name or IP address of your license server. (No port number or prefix such as http:// is required.)
Sample service configuration file
[Unit] Description=PhotomatixCL license server StartLimitIntervalSec=0 [Service] Type=simple Restart=always RestartSec=1 User=username ExecStart=/path/to/PhotomatixCL -lm [Install]
Replace username with the user who should run the license server, and /path/to/PhotomatixCL with the full path to PhotomatixCL. You can place this file in your /etc/systemd/system directory, calling it photomatixcl.service.
If you have a subscription license, ensure your server has Internet access when you set the license key. It will also need Internet access when it checks the license the first time PhotomatixCL is run and then once a month. (Specifically, it will need to connect to on port 80.)
Open a terminal window, and type this command, where /path/to/PhotomatixCL is the full path to PhotomatixCL, and LicenseKey is the license key you were sent when you ordered PhotomatixCL:
/path/to/PhotomatixCL -ll LicenseKey
If you are running a license server, you will need to run this command as the same user that the license server is running as, or set the PHOTOMATIXCL_LICSERVER environment variable on the license server as well.