Photomatix Pricing

  • Money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied.
  • Digital download. For a boxed product, see Photomatix as a gift.
  • License is per user, and valid for several computers.
  • If you are a student or teacher, see our academic pricing.
Try before you buy

You can download and try the software for as long as you want before purchase.

The trial is the same as the licensed software, but adds a watermark.

Photomatix Pro 7
Photomatix Pro 7

Turn any high contrast scene into a stunning image. Create HDR photos in the style you want with one-click presets and a large range of settings.

  • 6 HDR methods (Tone Mapping & Fusion)
  • Over 70 HDR settings and 40 HDR presets
  • Batch Processing with previews
  • Automatic alignment of hand-held photos
  • Advanced ghost removal tools
  • Presets and tools for real estate photography
  • +Free Lightroom Plugin and Capture One Plugin   view more
  • You can use Photomatix Pro directly from Lightroom or Capture One with the included plugins.

    Select a set of bracketed photos in Lightroom or Capture One, then invoke the plugin to create the HDR image in Photomatix Pro and reimport it.

    For a video tutorial, check the Lightroom Export to Photomatix plugin and Capture One Merge to HDR plugin pages.

    Note: These plugins let you process one bracketed set at a time, but not batch them.


One-time purchase. The License never expires.

If you bought an older version of Photomatix Pro, see how to upgrade.

Photomatix Pro Plus Bundle

Save $118 with Photomatix Pro bundled with two separate plugins.

  • +  Photomatix Pro 7
  • +  HDR Merge Batch Plugin for Lightroom
  • +  Tone Mapping Plugin for Photoshop
$247  $129 

$129 is a bundle price. You save $118 compared to purchasing each product separately.

HDR Batch Plugin for Lightroom

Save time merging images to HDR in Lightroom with batch processing.

  • Merge stacks of bracketed photos to HDR in Lightroom
  • Choose from 40 HDR presets or create your own preset
  • Preview the effect of your preset before batching
  • Create merged HDR images in 32-bit format
  • Merge bracketed photos even when unstacked
  • Automatically align and deghost
  • Save as DNG (16/32-bit), TIFF (16/32-bit) or JPG
  • Export in OpenEXR format

One-time purchase. The License never expires.

Tone Mapping Plugin for Photoshop

Enhance your images with HDR Tone Mapping, enjoying the creative freedom of Photomatix without leaving Photoshop.

  • 4 HDR Tone Mapping methods
  • 32 HDR settings and 34 HDR presets
  • Custom HDR presets

The plugin works with a single image opened in Photoshop or a 32-bit image merged with Photoshop's 'Merge to HDR Pro'.


If you are interested in both the Plugin and Photomatix Pro, see the Photomatix Bundle.

Photomatix Essentials
Photomatix Essentials

Create HDR photos in the style you want, from natural to artistic.

  • 4 HDR methods (Tone Mapping & Fusion)
  • 33 HDR settings and 30 HDR presets
  • Automatic alignment of hand-held photos
  • Automatic ghost removal

License never expires and includes free upgrades to all future versions.

Can be upgraded to Photomatix Pro for just the price difference.

Photomatix for Linux
Photomatix for Linux

Native Linux program to create HDR photos in the style you want, from natural to artistic.

Runs on Ubuntu and Linux Mint.

  • 6 HDR methods
  • 70 HDR settings and 40 HDR presets
  • Batch Processing
  • Automatic Alignment of hand-held photos
  • Automatic ghost removal

One-time purchase. The License never expires.

iOS Apps
Photomatix Real Estate Camera
Photomatix Real Estate Camera

Take high-quality real estate pictures without photography expertise.

Available as iPhone app.

HDR Exposures Calculator
HDR Exposures Calculator

Find the optimal bracketed exposure settings to cover the dynamic range of a scene with a particularly high contrast.

Available as iPhone and web app.

Developer Tools
Photomatix API

Access HDR merging and processing from your application with the Photomatix online API.


Integrate HDR image merging and processing into your automated workflow on the cloud or local server with the PhotomatixCL command line tool.

Special Pricing
  • Academic pricing for students and teachers.
  • Charities and churches may be entitled to a free license. If you belong to such an organization in a position of responsibility, please email eligibility documents to